This training module was specifically developed in the context of the giCASES EU project (2016-2018
Author: Marco Minghini, Politecnico di Milano. The material is provided under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License cc (

The module provides an introduction to GeoNode, an open source software for developing Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) and deploying Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). The software architecture and an overview of real-world GeoNode applications are provided. The main features and functions for users, developers and administrators are presented, then the focus is placed on interacting with GeoNode from a user perspective.

The module shows how to access and register to GeoNode, change profile information and create other profiles with related permissions. GeoNode document types are introduced: layers (publishable geospatial resources), maps (interactive compositions of layers) and documents (other non-spatial information). Options to search the aforementioned document types in GeoNode are presented.

The process of layer upload is shown in detail, together with the customization of permissions, the functions available to edit/customize layers and metadata, to change layer styles, and to share, rate and comment layers. Then, the module addresses the creation, customization and saving/sharing of maps, by exploring the use of both local and external layers. The functions of the map toolbar are also presented. Finally, the module focuses on how to use GeoNode in integration with other software, for instance QGIS.

The module is partly conceived as a step-by-step exercise, in order to learn while using GeoNode in practice with the help of sample datasets. The training material consists of presentations. The module is a self-learning module.


This module is composed of the following learning unit:

1. GeoNode: an Open Source Geospatial Content Management System

Learning outcomes

After the training module, the participant will be able to comprehend and explain the features and functions of GeoNode; manage users accounts and how to modify them; use and manage the different GeoNode basic resources; use the GeoNode searching tools to find resources; manage layers and maps, update their styles and publish them; load datasets into GeoNode and keep them synchronized with GeoServer; make use of GeoNode in integration with other GIS software, e.g. QGIS.

Intended Audience

Students in a field related to GIS and GIScience, professionals and stakeholders that need to create, manage or simply interface with an SDI but are at the initial stage of such activities.


A basic knowledge of GIS and GeoWeb services is required, in particular familiarity with GeoServer is an advantage. The material is built using GeoNode 2.6.1, run under OSGeo Live 11 (


Presentations. The module includes practical exercises. The module is a self-learning module.

Expected workload
Expected workload is 3 hours.